

Algorithms are the automated systems built into the infrastructure of a platform that determine what content users see online. These automated decisions are often informed by a user’s online data or behavior, with or without a user’s knowledge. The CLEAN Future Act establishes an interagency framework to ensure every worker and community has federal-level support and resources during the nation’s transition to net zero climate pollution. It creates an Office of Energy and Economic Transition in the Executive Office of the President, responsible for managing a task force and stakeholder advisory committee to coordinate programs and activities that support impacted workers and communities.

Introduce Sentence Examples

Establish a safety and effectiveness standard for algorithms, such that online platforms may not employ automated processes that harm users or fail to take reasonable steps to ensure algorithms achieve their intended purposes. The truth is, it will always be easier to say the stilted “I’m job X at company Y,” stumble through small talk, and then move on to the next person and glass of wine. In addition, when you give a nontraditional introduction, you will inevitably run into some staid folks who don’t get it. This is where you can add two or three points that will provide people with relevant details about your background.

It’s my distinct honor to introduce the president of the United States of America. I'd now like to introduce our next guest, who will be singing songs from her latest album. A haunting oboe solo introduces the third movement of the concerto.

To Bring Into Currency, Use, Fashion, Or Practice

To provide with a beginning knowledge or first experience of something. To introduce is defined as to present, put in, begin or bring in. The rivalry introduced more drama to/into the competition. Finding people that we connect with can be elusive, especially at work-related events.

Show Children The Words

The increasing use of artificial intelligence tools that pose harms to marginalized communities warrants a comprehensive review of these technologies and their potential for discriminatory outcomes. Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses and Facebook View are ads-free experiences, so you won’t see ads when using the glasses or app. And we don’t use the content of your photos and videos for personalized ads. If you share content to any other app, that app’s terms will apply.

The government plans to gradually introduce the latest technology into all schools. The company has recently introduced a new warehouse management system. The chairperson introduced herself and opened the discussion.

As Svelte, Angular, Glimmer, and others show, ahead-of-time compilation of components has a lot of future potential. Recently, we’ve been experimenting with component folding using Prepack, betongdongnam and we’ve seen promising early results. However, we found that class components can encourage unintentional patterns that make these optimizations fall back to a slower path.


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